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Petrochemistry Summit 2022

About Conference

It is with great pleasure that Conference Series LLC Ltd invites you to participate in the "17th International Conference and Exhibition on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering," which will be held in London, UK on November 21–22, 2022. The conference's major goal is to bring together a unique global group of large and modest therapeutic, biotech, and driving universities, as well as clinical research formations and demonstration organisations.

Petro Chemistry 2022 mainly focus on many interesting technical sessions and covers all frontline topics in Petrochemistry which includes: Petro Chemistry and Process Engineering, Distillation Oil Refining,Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Energy engineering, Renewable energy, Nuclear engineering, Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Petroleum engineering, Geology and Exploration, Fluid mechanics, Industrial chemistry,Cell biology, Upstream, Downstream and Midstream Integration , Biopolymer Chemistry and Research , Bioenergy and Biofuels, Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing and many more.

Since people from all around the world are interested in learning about Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering, this is your very best chance to meet the whole Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering group. On this two-day occasion, you may host seminars, disseminate data, network with current and new handlers, sprinkle one more product offering, and gain recognition for your name.

Why to Attend?

Each approved abstract will receive a DOI number from Cross Ref, and it will be published in the conference's supporting publications and Conference Book Records. It will also provide you the opportunity to lead a workshop with the members of your team.
• One-on-one interactions for the next work schedule with keynote speakers, OCM, and renowned individuals.
• Possibility of leading a session.
• The founding committee's certification.
• Unique keynote A page will be made to increase the visibility of your scientific study.
• Massive Profits on Group Registration, among other things.

Target Audience

  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Oil and Gas Companies
  • Petrochemical Scientists
  • Manufacturing Companies
  • Data Management Companies
  • Software developing companies
  • Petroleum and chemical Students
  • Petroleum and Chemistry Faculty
  • Chemical engineering Companies
  • Petroleum and Chemical Colleges
  • Petroleum engineering Universities
  • Petroleum Engineering Companies
  • Petroleum, Oil and Gas Researchers
  • Petroleum Associations and Societies



Track 01:  Chemistry of Petrochemical Process Engineering

Chemicals are produced either directly through the pyrolysis of petroleum or indirectly through the chemical processing of natural gas or petroleum oil. Acetylene, benzene, ethane, ethylene, methane, propane, and hydrogen are the main petrochemicals from which hundreds of additional compounds are generated. These derivatives serve as feedstock for the manufacture of many other goods, including elastomers, fibres, plasticizers, and solvents.
Olefins (ethylene, propylene, and butadiene), aromatics (benzene, toluene, and xylenes), and methanol are examples of primary petrochemicals. Petrochemical intermediates are often created by the chemical conversion of main petrochemicals to more complex derivative products.
Process engineering is a crucial phase in the petrochemical industry and for the design, building, upkeep, and improvement of massive machinery and facilities used for processing and producing oil and gas, whether onshore or offshore.
Crude oil desalting and distillation, solvent extraction and de waxing, thermal, catalytic, and hydro cracking, atmospheric and vacuum distillation, conversion processes involving decomposition, unification, alteration and petroleum refining and petrochemicals

Track 02:  Distillation Oil Refining

Distillation is the separation of materials based on volatility differences. This is the first and most fundamental phase in the refining process, and it is followed by cracking and reforming. Cracking is the process of converting heavy molecules into lighter (and more valuable) hydrocarbons.

Track 03: Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

The process of transforming any sort of raw materials into the chemicals and goods needed by contemporary civilization is centred on chemical and biochemical engineering. The development of techniques for mass drug production, low-cost production of essential chemicals and fuels, and cost-effective production of advanced materials used in a variety of fields, including communication, IT, health, and transportation, is led by chemical engineers and biochemical engineers.
Other important areas of research and development include strategies for sustainable chemical and biochemical energy conversion as well as ways for avoiding and resolving environmental issues related to chemicals used in manufacturing.
• Moss and photo bioreactor • Bioprocess engineering • Electrochemical energy conversion • Reservoir engineering • Agrochemicals • Biofuel from algae

Track 04: Renewable energy

Petrochemicals from oil and natural gas are necessary for renewable energy sources. Many Americans are turning to solar power to satisfy their energy demands as the demand for renewable energy in the country rises. But most people are unaware that using chemicals derived from fossil fuels is necessary in order to harness the power of the sun.

Track 05: Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering

The use of living systems and organisms in the development and production of products is known as biotechnology, which is also known as "any technical application that employs biological systems, live creatures, or derivatives thereof to generate or change goods or processes for specific applications."
The field of biochemical engineering is crucial to contemporary biotechnology. Industrial biotechnology, Photo Bioreactor Electrochemical Energy Conversion, Biological Hydrogen Production (Algae), Biofuel from Algae, Bioreactor Landfill, and Moss Bioreactor are all included in Biochemical Engineering. Biochemical engineers convert fascinating findings in the biological sciences into useful products and procedures that improve human health and welfare. Design and construction of unit processes involving biological organisms or molecules, such bioreactors, are the primary concerns of biochemical engineering. It is used in petrochemical production, food production, pharmaceutical development, biotechnology, and water treatment.
Biochemistry, Cell culture Engineering, Biochemical and Bio Molecular Engineering, Biosensors and Bio devices, Environmental Bioengineering, Biofuels.

Track 06: Thermodynamics in Chemical  engineering

A crucial component of chemical engineering is thermodynamics. We must comprehend how energy is transmitted both inside a system and outside the system. We couldn't analyse or create a chemical process without it. Conducting a material and energy balance is one of the initial steps in developing a process from the idea stage.

Track 07: Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineering is the area of engineering that focuses on the methods used to develop and utilise oil and gas fields as well as the technical evaluation, computer modelling, and projection of how well they will produce in the future. Mining engineering and geology gave rise to petroleum engineering, and the two disciplines are still intimately related. Geoscience aids engineers in understanding the geological structures and circumstances that support the formation of petroleum deposits. The petroleum engineer is in charge of drilling, producing, processing, and shipping these products, as well as addressing the associated economic and regulatory issues. Their goal is to extract gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon products from the ground.

Track 08: Industrial Chemical Engineers

The manufacturing art of industrial chemistry is concerned with turning matter into usable products in appropriate quantities. Usually, a method that follows a formula is used to turn readily accessible components into more desired ones. In turn, the procedure may involve grinding, combining different ingredients, dissolving, heating, allowing ingredients to interact (forming new compositions of matter through chemical or biochemical reaction), cooling, evaporating or distilling, growing crystals, filtering, and other physical-chemical-biological operations.

Track 09: Upstream, Downstream and Midstream Integration

Drilling wells and recovering raw materials from underground are all upstream oil and gas operations. Related services including rig operations, feasibility analyses, equipment leasing, and extraction chemical supply are also a part of this industry. Major diversified oil and gas companies like Exxon-Mobil are among the biggest upstream operations.
The upstream and downstream firms are connected through midstream operations. Transportation and storage of resources through pipelines and collecting systems are the main components of midstream activities. Examples of midstream businesses are Kinder Morgan and Williams Companies.
Major downstream operations duties include marketing and refineries. These services transform crude oil into useful products like fuel oils, gasoline, and other petroleum-based goods. Energy firms may get their final goods to merchants or end users with the use of marketing services. Two notable examples of downstream businesses are Marathon Petroleum and Phillips 66.
Midstream/Upstream Interface Optimisation, Coal bed methane, Hydrocarbon exploration, Natural gas condensate, Natural-gas processing, Streamline Simulation

Track 10: Biopolymer Chemistry and Research

In a sense, biopolymers are polymeric biomolecules since they are made by living things. Biopolymers have monomeric components that are covalently bonded to form larger structures since they are polymers. The three primary classes of biopolymers, ordered by the monomeric units used and the structure of the biopolymer framed, are polynucleotides (RNA and DNA), polymers, which are lengthy polymers composed of at least 13 nucleotide monomers, polypeptides, which are concise polymers of amino acids; and polysaccharides, which are typically supplemented straight polymeric starch molecules.. The biopolymers lignin, elastic, suberin, and melanin are more examples.
Routes to drop-in monomers and bioplastics; Future and Application of Biopolymers and Bioplastics; Industrial Biotechnology and Bio Refineries; Plastic Pollution and Waste Management; Bio Composite Materials; Biomaterials and Biopolymers; Production and Commercialization; Plastic Pollution and Waste Management

Track 11: Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing

To create energy carriers as well as industrial goods including chemicals, polymers, food, agricultural, and pharmaceutical products. Industrial biotechnology, sometimes referred to as white biotechnology, uses microorganisms and enzymes. Waste from forestry and agriculture is combined with renewable raw materials to create industrial products. Additionally, it helps with the shift away from a petrochemical-based economy and the decrease of greenhouse gas emissions. Bioprocess engineering is necessary for the fast transfer of bio products from a lab to a factory scale.

Biotechnology in Vaccine Production, Enzyme Engineering and Drug Discovery, Microbial Biotechnology and Food Processing, Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology, Petroleum Biotechnology and Green chemicals, Industrial and Chemical Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology and Waste Water Management.

Track 12: Environmental Chemistry

Environmental chemistry is the study of chemical and biological processes that take place in the environment. The study of chemical species in the air, soil, and water environments, as well as the impact of human activities on them, is referred to as environmental chemistry. Analytical chemistry is used in environmental chemistry, an interdisciplinary field of study that also encompasses the chemistry of the atmosphere, water, and soil. It is related to environmental science and other disciplines. Green chemistry, on the other hand, seeks to reduce possible pollution at its source.

While environmental engineering combines engineering and scientific ideas to improve the environment, provide safe water, air, and land for habitation by humans and other living things, and locate pollution spots.
Environmental Chemistry and Engineering, Pollution Control Chemistry and Green Chemistry, Environmental Toxicology and Mutagenicity, Environmental Geology, Environmental Hazards, Chemical and Polymer Engineering, and Environmental Chemistry Applications.

Track 13: Electrochemical Engineer

A chemical reaction brought on by the flow of electrical current is called an electrochemical synthesis. A kind of oxidation-reduction chemical reaction, these processes involve the transfer of an electron from one atom or molecule to another atom or molecule. When compared to other reactions, the atoms or molecules involved in an electrochemical reaction are comparatively far apart from one another, which forces the electrons that are being transferred to travel a longer distance and create an electrical current. The corrosion of metals, the capacity of some marine life to make electrical fields, and the functioning of human and other animal nervous systems are just a few examples of the many natural phenomena that depend on electrochemical methods. Additionally, they are crucial to contemporary chemical technology, particularly in the storage of electrical energy in batteries, and the electrochemical process known as electrolysis.

Metal refinement, fuel cell and battery manufacturing, Electrochemical energy conversion, electrochemical cell, and magneto electrochemistry.

Track 14: Material Science and Engineering

The field of study known as "material science" is concerned with the composition, characterisation, performance, and methods of materials used in manufacturing and construction, such as metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. We can understand the history of the material and its physical and chemical properties with the help of fabric science. For this reason, material science and engineering have a wide range of applications in rhetorical engineering, Nanotechnology, biomaterials, metallurgy, failure analysis, and research materials.
Materials engineering, materials science, and materials structures.

Track 15: Nano-Chemistry and Nanotechnology

Nanomaterials are more than just a subsequent stage in the miniaturisation of substances or particles. They frequently need for quite distinct production techniques. There are multiple 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' procedures for producing different sizes of nanomaterial. Nanotechnology, as defined by size, is naturally very broad, encompassing fields of science as diverse as surface science, organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, energy storage, micro fabrication, molecular engineering, etc. Despite the fact that a significant number of nanomaterials are currently at the laboratory stage of production, many of them have already been commercialised.Exposure Scenarios The corresponding research and applications include a wide range of topics, from modifications of standard device physics to entirely novel strategies based on molecular self-assembly, from creating new materials with Nanoscale dimensions to precise control of matter at the atomic level.

Biogenic nanoparticles, nanomagnetism, nanospinitronics, nonlinear optical microscopy, and a quantum field model for graphene magnetism

Track 16: Pollution Control in Petro Chemical Industries

The mix and order of operations in petroleum refineries are often quite particular to the properties of the raw materials (crude oil) and the products. Petroleum refineries are complicated factories. The technical team is sometimes the only ones who can decide on specific pollution control or source reduction strategies. The management of operational facilities should target site-specific waste reduction methods in these areas and focus on a number of broad areas where improvements are frequently feasible.

Track 17: Chemical Industry and Market Analysis

The US is home to 170 big chemical companies. They have more than 2,800 sites outside of the US and 1,700 foreign subsidiaries or affiliates. In the US, $750 billion worth of chemicals are produced annually. The American economy directly employs over a million people and enjoys substantial trade surpluses. The chemical industry, the second-largest energy consumer in manufacturing, spends more than $5 billion annually on pollution management. Some of the largest industries in Europe include those involving chemicals, plastics, and rubber. Together, they generate almost 3.2 million jobs across more.

Market Analysis

Chemical Industry and Market Analysis

The US is home to 170 big chemical companies. They have more than 2,800 sites outside of the US and 1,700 foreign subsidiaries or affiliates. In the US, $750 billion worth of chemicals are produced annually. The American economy directly employs over a million people and enjoys substantial trade surpluses. The chemical industry, the second-largest energy consumer in manufacturing, spends more than $5 billion annually on pollution management. Some of the largest industries in Europe include those involving chemicals, plastics, and rubber. Together, they generate almost 3.2 million jobs across more than 60,000 enterprises. All of the EU's industrial trade surplus since 2000 has come from the chemical industry alone, accounting for 2/3 of the total.
The chemical industry has grown significantly for more than 50 years. One of the sectors with the fastest development is the manufacture of synthetic organic polymers used as plastics, fibres, and elastomers. The three areas of the world where the chemical industry has historically and now been concentrated are Western Europe, North America, and Japan (the Triad). The United States and Japan are still the two biggest producers after the European Union.


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 21-22, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

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